CTV 1730k+200k Necromantic Horror

15000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 wizard, Card Chop Block
Skaven CTV 1950k
60k (-20000)


No change
#11 Plague – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#12 Salmonella – Broken Jaw (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
With the 6-0 ass kicking of Underworld by Skaven in mind, the Nuzzling were somewhat nervous for this game, despite the championship being lost already. Opting to kick first, the Nuzzling immediately saw why their fear was ration. One turn touchdown, straight away. Sure, those Skaven get hurt relatively easily but you've got to catch them before you can hurt them. And hurt them you must or you'll end up losing big time. The rest of the first half saw the Nuzzling carefully moving the ball up the field for a T8 touchdown. By then the KO box of the Infectious_diseases was filled. Coach Badoek was heard saying "I hope those two GR stay in the KO box". 5 out of 7 KO players from the Skaven got back on the field. The two GRs didn't. Nuffle be praised!
Second half the Nuzzling repeated the same but scored somewhat quicker in turn 4 or 5, giving the Skaven plenty of time for a draw or quick score to steal the ball. Luckily the zombies held their own, the ball dropped and the game ended with a solid 3-1 win for the Nuzzling.
Thanks for the game AdyBrooke, well played and good luck in the Combined HUBBA Cup!”