“According to my opponent it was a bad game. I did not mind that much. The winning helped I guess.
My beasts were utter useless but my two MA6 nurglings were stars once more.
Nuffle however decided that this team is cursed with ageing; out of my last 3 skill rolls I had 2 ageing players, this game was even worse; two skill rolls; 2 aged. My MA6 player dropped a strength, (2nd skill!) and another gained a niggling (also second roll!)
And fan factor dropped again. Winning? 2 Touchdowns? 2 injuries? No matter. Nuffle decides. ”
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My beasts were utter useless but my two MA6 nurglings were stars once more.
Nuffle however decided that this team is cursed with ageing; out of my last 3 skill rolls I had 2 ageing players, this game was even worse; two skill rolls; 2 aged. My MA6 player dropped a strength, (2nd skill!) and another gained a niggling (also second roll!)
And fan factor dropped again. Winning? 2 Touchdowns? 2 injuries? No matter. Nuffle decides. ”