32 coaches online • Server time: 15:40
CTV 1260k+150k Kislev (CIBBL)
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Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 2 bribes
Estalia (CIBBL) CTV 1410k
Inducements: 1 bribe
#2 Lev Nikolájevitj Mýsjkin – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#12 Grigor – Broken Neck (-AG)
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Don Enrique was happy with his team for once. After yesterdays unfortunate events (the Kislevite team getting lost in a storm and not arriving) the opponents finally arrived.
Pouring icy rain and later a blizzard made the game the first one for the Noblemen not played in perfect conditions (blasted Nipponese weather!). Also some help came from the fact, that the referee was none other, than the distant cousin of Don Enrique, Teodoro Tramboso, know for his bad eyesight and extraordinairy affinity to be bribed.
The game started with the Estalians receiving and after some problems grinding their way to 1-0 at the end of the first half.
Kislevite armour did not hold well and the northerners left the field in droves, leaving little chance for them to put up a fight.
Second half saw the icy rain turn into a blizzard and the Noblemen score quick on defense, thanks to Blitz!. 2-0
Badly outnumbered the Kislevites tried to avoid the third Estalian score, but it was not meant to be and after an unusually selfless move by Bernardo to Juan the Noblemen made it 3-0 in the end.
Spartak Bolgasgrad Play of the Game: Afanásij Ivánovitj Tótskij's vicious block in the last seconds of the game injuring Domingo Bailarin.
Noblemen Play of the Game: Bernardo Suerte's unusually selfless act of running back from the endzone to toss the ball into Juan Robleduro's hand, so the lumbering bloquerador can score his first touchdown.
CabalVision Game Summary: Estalians dominate Kislevites in terrible Nippon weather, thanks to suprior fists and boots.”