CTV 2150k Goblin
40k (-30000)
13000 (1 FAME)
No change
Inducements: 1 bribe
Orc CTV 1230k+920k
Inducements: 1 bribe, 1 wizard, Star player Varag Ghoul-Chewer, Star player Morg 'n' Thorg, Card Gromskull's Exploding Runes
#3 Philip – Broken Jaw (MNG)
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We were expecting Orcs, specially bought in to ruin us. They packed the line with power on our receive, but Anarchy was unleashed to show them the error of their ways. Morg showed us the error of trying it. Dirty Pool scorched by a Wizard with his boots unfouled, we aimed for the side, Morg taking out Extortion too. Ball back to Kickbacks, a side cage was attempted, but down on numbers a wall of Orc stood in our way. Varag waiting to murder any break.
Hush Money covered him, and Conspiracy set off to get out of reach of anyone else, only to hit a snakebite and go off! The pass never came, Kickbacks surrounded and into the crowd unable to step. They fumbled about performing for the crowd, but two lone trolls against that power couldn't do much.
9 vs 14, our knockouts suggesting Intimidation should try first. He lobbed a bomb to a black orc with a bad neck, who fumbled it straight back and they couldn't quite reach nepotism so we got a throw in, but it was a long shot and Bribery couldn't lift.
2nd half, 9 vs 14 still, Chavez stole our Bomb supply! Rude, Thieving through on the ball and down it went, full stretch for Kickbacks he put it deep, a few gobs hoping to hold the orcs. But Annabel dodged and long passed Morg who held it and away. Conspiracy forced a dodge, but they played with the ball like elves and we were down 2.
Last quarter, 9 vs 12, nice hit Corruption. Kickbacks fumbled a pass, then stepped for a bad scatter, which again saw a full stretch long pass go to safety. But no! Again, Thieving got the down, Conspiracy cleared enough, Kickbacks in at full stretch for a short pass to Racketeering in range ... intercepted! Morg dodged and downed the stepper, they handed off and moved up, fully committed we needed a few dodges to steal it again and found only snakes.
We got a throw thanks to the timekeeper, but Corruption wouldn't. At the begging it was pure Orc, wall of power, too big, and nothing we could do. At the end, all elf, dodging, long passes, intercepts, nothing we could do. To steal the ball so often and come away with nothing is perhaps a small hope for the season anyway. Next up, Chaos Dwarf. Tacklers. :/