CTV 1780k Tomb Kings

70k (-10000)

Human CTV 1790k
10k (-10000)


#5 Hornet – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#1 Hey, Dog Entity! – Dead (RIP)
#3 You will NOT sink my cheerio! – Broken Jaw (MNG)
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This one has some fun plays and interesting turns. I felt fairly confident in first half after I broke loose with the ball in the hands of Mock me?, my ST5 blitzer. The only player who could get at the ball was a lonely blitz-ra. I took an extra turn to surf a mummy, giving up another -2d on the ball. POW/POW CAS DEATH! Bounce and catch by the blitz-ra, who runs to the safety of mummies.
Luckily the apo was there to save the day, but even when I got the ball flying again it never ended up in the human hands until turn 8. The Long bomb needed to score by then just didn't connect.
Then we had a good bash in second half, sadly Hey, Dog entity! was killed. The khemri managed to push through, but left us 2 turns to get even.
Had a mostly perfect set up running along one side, just needed to hand off to new catcher... dropped. Ok, one more go, just a quick pass to catcher and then a hand off. Dropped by catcher...
Dammit. Fun game, thanks!”