CTV 1140k+60k Savage Orc (CIBBL)
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Inducements: Star player Bomber Dribblesnot
Lybaras (CIBBL) CTV 1200k
#8 Mullering Zurgug – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#5 Abdilihiti – Dead (RIP)
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Our queen gained a little more RESPECT!!!
However, the apparent suicide of our Necrotect as he attempted to foul/ saw an opponent in half has left a lot of questions.
A note was found in his locker after the game.
"Note to self. you may be a Dirty Player and own a chainsaw, But you are not dirty. Remember, you still long for the day when skin may once again grow on these weary bones"
This has shocked the whole of Lybaras.
All of a sudden screams could be heard on the side of the pitch. then the sound of an engine.
The unmistakable sound of skin ripping, blood gushing and 2 parts of a body hitting the floor could be heard. A black and white shirt could just about be seen under all the blood.
Standing over it was a VERY old Skeleton.
Our new Chainsaw had arrived!!!”