“A very good game that had me quite confident at the start when my dark elves had some quite succesfull blocks. Things seemed to be going downhill when a dodge came up double 1's on my last reroll for the first half. This was emphasised when Salmon died on a gfi to stand in the ball carriers tacklezone. The second half had us acting to slow you and hope for an opportunity. This came up with a 1 die block on the ball carrier that went 'pow' even though it left the blitzer vulnerable to crowd surfing. The ball was thrown in wildly by the fans and let my guy run and grab it out of range of all of the orcs. This let us score the next turn after returning the crowd surf favour. With short time left the orcs were rushed and a nervous thrower decided to chuck the ball to a blitzer that''d make a much better ball carrier. Unfortunately the blitzer bobbled it and with a few pushes the ball was tacklezone free. We ran in and grabbed it , then ran to a safe area. One push made it so none of your guys were in range of the endzone and it was gg.
vgg very sad about Salmon though. Winnings were sparse thanks to low ff total so it'll be another game at the least before we can afford replacements unless we freeboot.”
vgg very sad about Salmon though. Winnings were sparse thanks to low ff total so it'll be another game at the least before we can afford replacements unless we freeboot.”