CTV 1670k+350k Wood Elf

No change

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Eldril Sidewinder, Mercenary Merc Lineman 1
High Elf CTV 2020k

21000 (1 FAME)

No change
#17 Albert Coldfield – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#11 Alaliag Treearcher – Fractured Leg (MNG)
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The field was slanted from the opening kick-off. Our opponents snake eyed the ball pick-up, which pretty quickly led to an early TD for us. We managed another quick defensive score following the kick-off. We were able to hold defensively, making the score 2-0 us at the half, while receiving to start the second half.
We were able to score quickly to make it 3-0. Overall, our opponents rolled tons of snake eyes, at all the worst times, giving us countless opportunities to add to our lead. Their lack of tackle did not help, but the snake eyes really hurt them.
They added a T7 score to make it 3-1.”