CTV 1840k+100k High Elf


Inducements: Mercenary Merc Lineman 1
High Elf CTV 1960k

21000 (1 FAME)

No change
#8 Osonia Larereta – Groin Strain (MNG)
#3 Sablaar Moonscribe – Gouged Eye (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The High Born Berserkers were a high elf team that came to Avelon for a friendly match. Yes, the competition was fierce, and yes the results of the scoreboard would be reflected in the win/loss statistics of the teams, but even a loss did not feel like the end of the world. Now, with the match in the books, both teams cavorted and swapped stories while soothing their assortment of bruises from the match with copious amounts of alcohol.
Sigarn Emberwarrior was the clear star of the Berserkers and now he made a point of sitting near the Archer catcher Throthradir. In front of him, six empty glasses of grape spirits were turned upside down and he signaled the barmaid for another. He nursed three broken ribs provided by Throthradir in the final moments of the match. With the game all but over someone had knocked him down and the Archer catcher had rushed in to provide one final boot. The gratuitous violence had nearly caused a riot amongst the previously well behaved fans and players.
“I need to know Throthradir.” Stated Sigarn touching his bandaged side and wincing. “Why in the Old World did you kick me? The match was over.”
Throthradir shook his head. “We have orders from Revwe to try to kill someone at the end of every match. If we do, we will paste the Unnecessary Violence badge on Kondor and get one for ourselves. I did not hear Revwe give the order to stand down. Sorry Sigarn, at least it looks like the boot was a good one.”
Revwe came to the table and found a seat. In one hand was a glass. In the other hand she held a bag of ice to her eye. She patted Throthradir on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. An old vet like Sigarn should know to cover up until the whistle sounds. Besides, I sure got a good taste of Osagdiar’s boot in the first half. It was kind of funny actually. There I was on the ground and he called the ref over. I thought he was going to show the ref the knife in my boot. Instead he did a little river dance and stomped on my head. (rolled snake eyes to break armor.) The ogre ref we employ was so angered by the flagrant lack of respect to his authority he put him in a head lock and escorted him to the penalty box to rough him up a bit.”
Osagdiar lay on the sofa next to the table groaning. One bag of ice held to his head and another to his groin. “Yeah, that referee needs to find a sense of humor.” Grumbled the lineman. “The last time I took a beating like that was from band of zombies throwing a boot licking gang foul party on the line of scrimmage.”
“He does have a sense of humor.” Said Revwe. “You should send him a gift for not really hurting you. By the way, did you know a little while ago, that referee went to a witch elf post game party and was back in time to referee out next match? He has mumbled to himself ever since then. Every once in a while he gets this blank stare and snaps out of it with a blood curdling screech. It is very unbecoming in an ogre but we keep him on because he keeps the opposition in line when they decide to foul.”
Everyone listening to the conversation nodded approvingly.
The party continued into the night. Each round of drinks loosened tongues and soothed injuries. By morning the teams were trash talking and ready to play again. Had it not been for other commitments, the Archers may have had a chance at payback. Hopefully, that day will come soon.
You know I thought about it after and I should have warned you of the T16 foul early in the match so you would have seen it coming and would have tried to plant one of mine on T16. Bad form. Seriously bad from. I should not have done it without letting you know a couple of turns ahead of time.
The game was an awesome match scared by that poor choice.”