CTV 1930k Chaos Dwarf

19000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bribe
Chaos Dwarf CTV 1690k+330k


No change
Inducements: 1 bribe, Star player Hthark the Unstoppable
#8 Grrotzra Orrfung – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#10 Bruko – Broken Neck (-AG)
#11 Kaplah – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#12 Leroy Clearbrook – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Mmmm what are the choices… I can play for… no, noooooo the hate! I won’t play fort hat foul bastard! They make us so angry!!! … Khorne, mmm Hashut probably knows Khorn, they have picknicks together. But Khorne, they are slightly allied with the other guy, the one that makes us angry. Maybe Slaanesh!, but we didn’t bring our leather trunks and nipple piercings… Okay “Changer of Ways”… if someone hates nurgles as much as we do, it’s you. Don’t you let us down now… We hate Nurgle, we wanna play for you, even tough we don’t like you. But the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and yeah, we hate friends! Just don’t screw us over.
Okay, we entered the tourney, playing for some sorcerer chicken deity that helps us turn into stone over time. Seems like a plan… random draw comming up… WHY!!! Why Tzeetch and Hashut! Why you do this to us… A perfectly balanced team of brethern! AAAAARGH, we could have gotten so much better draws!!! The hate! Ah well, let’s do this stuff… We can’t go back now… but things are not looking good. Every enemy dwarf has guard… almost all of them have their Mighty Blow, 2 medium but well trained Bull Centaurs. The only one that can really tip the scales (except cheer luck) is Grotzzfra Tarrkun.
Game starts… we both get a bribe. I’m not sure if I’m felling happy with all that. But we both have only 1 dirty player and 14 guys. So it’s pretty much a fair game when it comes tot his. My opponent choice to invite Hthark tot he party. Time form my star bull to show off what he can do!
We win the toss… that means we can hit first. Ideal, cause we wanna get as much MB of the field as possible, as soon as we can. 1st block fail, 2nd block downed the dwarf no break, 3th block CAS!!!! Knarf Wegratuz does it again, the most evil dorf on the team makes his 30th casualty. There is hope for the team! Opponent uses his apothecary, and saves the dorf. Good Apo, we hate him already!
Okay, opponents plays some positional move… and the blocks down one of my key dorfs. Some silly Hobo walks up fort he foul. Only 2 assists (and DP). NOOO He puts them in injury box with a MNG. Aaarg “Not so nice Nate” wasn’t nice at all. Ah well, we are kinda equal again… Lucky block, a bit less lucky foul… Let’s see where we are heading with this game.
3nd turn… some positioning, manage to get a bull centaur down…. FOUL. 4 assists, Double 1 O_o … AARGH WHY, ooooh luckely we have the bribe. Referee accepts. *PFEW*
3th turn of my opponent… “Dickish Derek” heroicly manage to 1D my ball blodge ball carier tot he ground. Luckely no armour was broken… and in the folowing turn he would be able to get back to our feet, and slowly marge up the endzone. Opponent fouls someone, gets 2,2 results but ref also accepts the bribe… Referees are badly payed lately, they are so greedy. We hate it, and we love it, but we also hate it…. Let’s say we are conflicted about it.
Turn 4, Grotzzfra Tarrkun makes a rush towards the endzone. It’s looking pretty good for the Bulls. But the coach fucks up again… AAARGH He didn’t see that Grotzzfra already used his “sure feet”, but kept pushing him… a pure misplay because I wasn’t paying attention. I hate myself so much. GRRR Ball on the ground. What was looking good, just looks like a bad spot right now.
Hthark dodges free, and tags the ball. Then “Not so Nice Nate” runs after him… Goes for it, Goes for it, PICKS UP THE BALL. What a guy… hmmm, he’s thinking about something… Put’s the boot into our starplayer Bull! Referee spots the foul! BANNED! We have mixed feelings about this… Hate towards other player, is a good thing, but this is way to greedy… Bit of a bad play according to us… we hate it… but we love it! cause we have a chance again!... It’s not easy being a chorf!
Rest of the drive, till turn 7… is 2 bull centaurs having fun. Running around, not failing annything… and even ticking a turn of the clock before score.
My oponent has 2 turns when we start again! … OOOH NOOOOS Riot! Crowd! Fans! WHY WHY YOU DO THIS TO US. Okay… it’s going to get tough now. But my opponent kinda slips… was a bit to greedy… to speedy…. We keep the advantage. Second half! Huray!
Second half first turn. Opponent does some blocks… my turn… take my BLOCK action… Rookie Zakkroff Nagrond makes a CAS out of nowhere! Earning his first skill! WOOHOO! The Leroy blitzes, makes an armour break… We are fighting for this match, still remembering the game of shame not so long ago!. We are hanging in there!
Then “Caratacus the Crazy” does the unspeakable… Takes a blitz in turn 2… Hits Leroy in the face… *SPLONGE* he dead! My god I hate this so much… 3 casualties, and everything ends up being gone fort he next game. 2nd half if still long, and I’m running out of resources. Must save the dorves and bull centaurs, can’t let anny of those leave the field… so… I decide to let him go. 54 games, and he finally dies by getting hit by a buffed up Bull Centaur. Little idiot probably think it was one of ours wanting to give him a hug for break armour. Damn you Leroy! … Better infor Pythrr that he can donate that 10$ he ows to fumbbl. Damn you Leroy… DAMN YOU! Why you make us so angry!
Turn 3 Brakato fouls a dorf… Opponent looses a dorf (KO) HURAY, but the ref spots our nasty foul… Ah well, We had a good run for our buck! Huray!
Second half is jus tour bull centaurs running up and down the back field… making sure there are not a lot of gaps to exploit. Our opponent running up the field with a hobgoblin, that will eventually get smashed down. Turn 5 is pretty much key fort he opponent… breaking 2x armou on my outnumbered dorfs in the mid field.
Turn 6… some less then optimal positioning, alows Grotzzfra to dive in there… 2+ Dodge (break tackle) BLITZ on the ball carrier. My bull does an awesome job, and KO’d the ball carier. It was a bit of a gamble… cause he’s pretty much the last line of defence… now the endzone is pretty much open, but who will pick up the ball? Things are getting tense for the opposition here.
Dastardly Dave makes a dodge, after another hobo of mine gets removed. Picks up the ball, and runs to TD. But Grotzzfra, intercepts! And knocks him down. Only a bull centaur can score now… No reroll left… It’s a coin toss. Opponent goes for it! Picks up the ball… Caractus the Crazy scores! What a rush… but what blow for our team, coachs let’s out a deep sigh. Now we are at the mercy of a coin toss… the most frustrating way to end a game (I believe). We are behind on resources, so loosing the toss will probably bet he end of it all. But the toss ends up in our favour! Change of Ways! Why change all these things, and make the game so swingy! Hashut be praised! We have a chance!
Turn 1 of overtime… we make 2 stuns… really important once. Pick up the ball. Sure hands is really working out this game! My bull wants to win. My opponent choose to put a lot of pressure on the side line… leaving the mid field open for a fast run. We have a plan!!! The only thing we need to do… is down “KaraBanga”. Bruko goes first… Double pushback, that’s not it. Marrtok Grawa blitzes… MMM double both down. That’s not it either. Okay… Let’s that the second option then… Make sure we get out of here. *DODGE* and run away… OOOH NOOOS “KaraBanga” tackles the bull. Luckely the reroll works out… What could have been a super position… has turned out, really badly all of the sudden.
Hthark makes up for a blitz on the star bull! … AND FAILS. Okay… swing again. Here we go, let’s make a run for it! I need to make 3x GFI to be out of normal/safe blitz range. First DODGE, GFI (1, reroll sure feet) , second GFI (1, reroll – last team reroll). Stop moving. Sigh. Okay, some blocks. Bull centaur dodges (no 1 HURAY), GFI (1, sure feet) AARG…
Opponent makes up for desperate blitz… Dorf goes for it, hobo goes for it twice… 2x assist for a 1D with GFI… Last dorf called “Larazash”, make a GFI… FALLS DOWN. Lucky break there. Okay… 2+ and GFI to score… I’m in a terrible spot if I don’t make it… so I just have to gamble on it.
Grotzzfra Tarrkun makes the dodge, makes the GFI… SCORE … TOUCHDOWN….
Coach got a lot of grey hair… but we did it. I feel that we beat the odds on this one. But we leave the board heavily damadged. 2 of my skilled hobgoblins got permanetly hurt… one of my skilled dorves is missing the game. I got a SPP roll fort he rookie dorf, that ended up being a double AAAAARG everyone knows I don’t take doubles on first skill on dorves! I’ve been longing for a double on a 2nd / 3th skill for a while now… WHY WHY This game makes me so angry!!!
Thanks for my danish opponent… He played well, but I believe he made some strange descisions from time. I also made mine (most probably after revieuwing the game) and neglected to look at the skills that I used during activation. The 1 in the first half on the GFI could have sealed the deal if that hobo wasn’t so greedy and fouling the star.
Good luck with the cdorves!
We’ll meet again!
So I can take my revenge on “Caratacus” for killing Leroy… we’ll mis him a lot… And hate him too. Now I have to write bad english stuff in his bio again… WHY WHY Do I do this to us! AAARG