CTV 2130k Dark Elf

No change

Inducements: 1 bribe
Necromantic Horror CTV 1930k+170k

19000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bribe, Star player Hack Enslash, Card Greased Shoes
#11 Red McShirt – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
And that's another lucky game for the Nuzzling Necros. While planning on playing some proper elfball against the Highland Lords, things escalated rather quickly (say turn 1 foul into RIP IIRC? Apo did good work there though).
All in all: the dark elves were dodging pretty good, but I was hitting hard enough and the KO rolls were in my favour too. Too bad Red McShirt ended up dead too, with no more apo around to save the one and only (EVER, 101-games-old-team!) ST4 Highland Lord. A moment of silence please. You too Red, yes thank you for joining us. Please roll a +ST on your first skill roll in honour of your former self.
Thanks to Letshavefun for the fun (for me at least) game and good luck next round!”