CTV 1970k Chaos Chosen

No change

Necromantic Horror CTV 1880k+100k

20000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 2 bloodweiser kegs
#6 Troglodyte – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#8 Alfred – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#16 Splatbottom – Dead (RIP)
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We got ourselves in some trouble early having to eat up a few RRs early on. We had an opportunity for a 2 GFI score but due to having to use RRs earlier we didn't want to risk a 1. We had an opportunity to surf a CW and leave ourselves in a pretty good position but we knocked him down without surfing and suddenly the sidelines got very crowded. Laskas did a good job of cornering us in and eventually surfing most of our team.
By the time our entire team was surfed, they only had 2 turns left to try and score and, thanks to some clumsy ball play, were unable to do so.
After snake-eying a gfi on their first turn, we were able to sack their ball-carrier with our 9 Ma, 4 Str wolf, but were unable to recover the ball. We placed players in most of their tackle-zones hoping for an opportunity for a quick steal and score. Our wolf got blitzed, powed and stunned, which would make that more challenging.
The chaos squad was having a rough time with the ball, failing a hand-off attempt, giving us an opportunity to apply pressure once again. They were able to pick up the ball somewhat cover up. We had a 1 BD hit with a RR but could not knock down the ball carrier, allowing him to run away.
We had a chance at a OTT but we failed the dodge by the goalline.”