CTV 1980k High Elf
18000 (1 FAME)
Norse CTV 2000k+340k
Inducements: 1 wandering apothecary, Star player Wilhelm Chaney
#1 Revwë Larereta – Fractured Skull (-AV)
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Kondor continued a conversation with the team apothecary Corbis. “The coach calls himself ‘Antithesis of Time.’ He’s a good chap and he always seems to have a team ready for a match. We have probably faced each other fifteen times and you never quite know how it is going to shake out. Last time we met, his chaos squad dropped four on my goblins…you know…the Pocket Hulks. So, anyway, there was a good chance his team would give the Archers a thumping.”
Corbis had been only half listening to Kondor and did not much care who won any of the matches. “Antithesis of Time? What does that even mean?” He quickly regretted that he had asked the question.
“Great question Corbis.” Said Kondor. “To ask what is the opposite of time you have to ask what time is, and that is not easily answered.
Time is to some extent a construction of the human mind. Our minds interpret the universe in a certain way and to us time is a flowing continuous movement from the past into the future. Take for example this definition. Time is a human perception defined as the length of an interval separating two points on a nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future. The intervals are measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, years.
Therefore, at the level of theoretical physics and mathematics time has different meanings but even physicists have difficulty with time as this liitle joke illustrates: A man who has lost his watch walks up to a stranger on the street and asks, "Please, Sir, what is time?" The stranger replies, "I'm sorry, you'll have to ask a philosopher. I'm just a physicist."
So with this in mind, I'm not certain we can truly define time, so perhaps for the opposite of time we must turn to some Zen philosophy and simply state that the opposite of time is no-time.”
Corbis just stared with crossed eyes at Kondor. A throbbing had begun deep in his skull and only a large bottle of alcohol was going to make it go away. Ironically, with that large bottle of alcohol, his addle brain my come to believe that it understood what Kondor had just said.
“Couldn’t you just tell me the coach is another necromancer?” asked Corbis.
Kondor laughed. “That is exactly what he is. He thinks that he will outlast time itself. Foolish really but he is a good coach and more interesting to chat with than most people. I asked him once what the Antithesis of Time was and he told me what I told you. I still have no clue what he meant so if you figure it out please explain it to me. Or you can ask him to explain it next time I schedule a game against him.”
Corbis took a long swallow of clear potent liquid.
“No.” he said. “I think I will just take your word for it.”