CTV 2000k+50k High Elf

21000 (1 FAME)
No change

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
Orc CTV 1920k


#5 Nopos Qinxidor – Dead (RIP)
#18 Osmond Palebrook – Broken Jaw (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
It was a chance Kondor could not miss.
“Who is this Emphasy fella?” querried Nopos. “Does he coach any teams I might have heard of?”
Kondor openly scoffed. “Who is Emphasy? Unbelievable! Do you watch any Blood Bowl that does not involve pointy ears? …. The guy has coached teams to nearly 5,000 wins. 1,000 orc games. 800 chaos games. 700 Human games. 500 Chaos Dwarf, 500 Necromancer, and 500 OGRE games. Who coaches Ogres and still maintains a respectable image?”
Nopos was unimpressed. “Then why haven’t I heard of him? Can’t be much to him.”
Kondor palmed his face and shook his head. “His specialty is taking scrubs and turning them into a real team. Once they have a strong foundation, he turns the reigns over to more….orthodox….coaches. Currently he does not coach any teams with 100 games under their cleats.”
Nopos shook his head unconvinced. “If you say so.”
In Esbjerg, Kondor asked the local sports journalist where he could find Coach Emphasy. He was directed to the leper colony situated in caves on the outskirts of town. A few moments later he stood on a boulder by the first cave and yelled at the top of his lungs.
“Coach Emphasy. Let’s Play BLOOOD BOWWLLLLL!”
Something stirred within the furthest cave and the handful of lepers outside of it scattered. The largest troll Kondor had ever seen lumbered out and came to the rock.
“Out of the way Kloggs.” Stated Kondor. “I came to see your boss.”
Kloggs looked at Kondor closely, shrugged and pointed to the cave.
Taking care to steer clear of the lepers, Kondor hustled to the cave where he found the orcs he had been looking for. The fact was that, while the humans would flock to watch a Blood Bowl match in the arena, they could not tolerate orcs within the city limits.
Coach Emphasy was a rather run of the mill orc. He was larger than a goblin but smaller than a black orc. His legs were strong but squat suggesting he was no runner, and his arms were not sculpted enough to be a thrower. In his playing days he had simply been a line orc with a passion for the game. Today he coached players that reminded him of himself.
Currently, in the dirt he was diagraming a complex two dodge, two block, hand-off and pass play. His orc pupils nodded understandingly.
Kondor waited patiently but finally spoke up. “I have brought some high elves to town. Care for a game?”
Emphasy did not even look up from his work. “Friday morning.” He said and gestured for Kondor to leave.
With the game scheduled Kondor returned to the stadium where the Archers were waiting.
On Friday, the Archers pulled off an unlikely win, but Nopos found himself in a pine box.