CTV 2160k+50k Orc

No change

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
High Elf CTV 1850k+350k

17000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bribe, 2 bloodweiser kegs, 1 wandering apothecary, Card Blatant Foul
#10 Fenian Olotoris – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#17 Ian Clearfist – Fractured Arm (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
“I’ve been looking at our stats.” She began. “Kydeth has a shot at history if we help her out.”
She then picked up some chalk and began sketching on the drawing board.
To start the first half, the Archers received the ball. Kydeth immediately scooped it up and passed it to Throthradir who rushed back and handed the ball back to her.
The Orkhiastic Orkhestra was clearly confused. Just to make sense of things, a black orc broke the arm of a journeyman elf. His scream brought sense back to the world.
Kydeth once again passed the ball to Throthradir who handed it back to her, and they repeated the process three more times.
An announcement came over the loud speaker.
“Let it be known that Kydeth is the first High Elf blitzer in the history of Fumbbl to complete 50 passes in her carreer.”
A collective rumble of admiration went through the crowd but before it could subside, Nienna signaled for the other part of her plan. She blocked an orc form her path. Ortalion dodged away from the orc marking her and blitzed away the orc that was covering Maylin. Vaeri dodged away from his marker and stepped to the endzone. With the pathway cleared, Kydeth passed to Maylin who ran over and handed the ball to Vaeri who received the handoff for a score.
An “Ahhh” went through the crowd as that play was truly complex.
The orcs responded by breaking Fenian’s arm.
Coach Knut bashed heads and began reorganizing the greenskins only to have Nienna order a blitz. After moving some orcs out of the way, Throthradir reached the ball and took it upon himself to score putting the Archers ahead by two going into the second half.
In the second half, the Orkhestra was well organized and played an Orkhiastic second half. They methodically moved the ball and efficiently scored. Unfortunately, they were unable to Orkistrate a turnover to stop the elves, and ended up relinquishing a third score before the end of the game.
As the team returned to the clubhouse, Nienna grabbed Kondor by the arm.
“It has been a while since we tattooed your hide.” She said. “We will see you and Corbis at the Shining Bauble tonight. The entire team has earned one badge this afternoon, but you and Kydeth get a pair.”
Kondor just nodded his agreement and then turned to summon Corbis. Clearly he had seen better days.