“This game became known in the annals of Kleinebowl as the chainsawmassacre. 13 players were carried of the pitch in various conditions.
The stout gobbos only had 7 players in the 2:nd half due to a very unscrupolous judge (he wouldnt take bribes the fink). So we blame the judge for everything!”
“Helt vansinning match ;-) "vadå boll?" Vad finns den för? Första halvlek var bara ett stort slagfältmed båda APO använda tidigt. som vanligt så går det dåligt för cheaters i andra så vi lyckades få in en pinne och våran första seger. Vänta bara nu har vi fått upp några skills så nu kan vi röja lite.....”
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The stout gobbos only had 7 players in the 2:nd half due to a very unscrupolous judge (he wouldnt take bribes the fink). So we blame the judge for everything!”