11 coaches online • Server time: 06:48
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Did you know? Up until now, 1510099 players have died on the pitch.
CTV 1930k+50k High Elf

18000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
Wood Elf CTV 1980k


#2 Amaron Greymoss – Dead (RIP)
#18 Ian Whiteorc – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
They traveled less than a mile on foot when they were greeted by a small contingent of elves. A dozen of them stood on tree limbs while one stood in the middle of the path. Kondor immediately recognized the “elf” on the valley floor as Coach Rbthma while those in the trees were the team known as the Howling Shadows.
The Archers also recognized their opponents and scanned the trees looking for the Wardancers. Meldalf was the first to recognize Amaron Greymoss and silently pointed him out to rest of the team with a slight nod in the dancer’s direction.
Kondor motioned for the team to put down their packs and explained that as part of the game contract, porters would take the equipment to the stadium and their personal items to their lodgings. While they were busy, he went to speak with Coach Rbthma.
“Thanks for the match Coach Rub the Man.”
Rbthma chuckled and shook his head no. Kondor still had not guessed the once high elf now rotter’s name.
Kondor continued. “This one is exactly what I am looking for. More humble pie for the high and mighty Archers of Avelon. Between your dancer and catchers, this one should be a walk in the park.”
Rbthma shrugged and started babbling and slurring incoherently while Kondor feigned understanding, nodded in apparent agreement, and then attempted to change the subject.
“The Archers will lodge in the lower level of the trees. Corbis and I will sleep in the visiting coach’s office at Shady Stadium. Are they still making you sleep in the barren hole near the latrine?
Rbthma raised both hands as if to ask what more could be done and then waived a hand to dismiss what he no longer took as a problem. The fact was that for him to be a coach of a wood elf team was more unbelievable as the human Kondor coaching a High Elf team. Amongst the living there was a healthy fear of the Nurgle Rot and for woodies to even let him in the forest was a testament to his coaching skill. The fact that he was once an elf was the only reason he was even considered for the job.
The coaches retired to Rbthma’s hole for drinks while the Archers of convened in their own lodgings to plot strategy. Only Kydeth was absent choosing not to associate with the Kill Team aspect of the Archers of Avelon.
This time Throthradir took the lead and in a husky voice related the intelligence he had gathered.
“These lads are skilled and not to be underestimated. If we are to win, we must target the catchers. Those blokes will not be shaken by a crowd and you can expect them to dump it if they are pressured. They are quick and if we are not careful they will outmaneuver us. We won’t be able to play a ball control match either. The dancers are good tacklers and will likely strip the ball away. Our best chance is for Nienna to carry it and get it to one of the catchers as soon as she feels pressure.”
“What about bounties?” Fenian queried.
“There isn’t much.” Throthradir responded. “You could probably get a nice meal if you were to take out one of the catchers. They have made a few enemies but nothing to truly target. Your best bet is the dancer Greymoss. A local merchant wants him dead for undefined scandalous behavior. My bet is the merchant is a jilted lover but who know what her issue is with him. In any case, it may be worth collecting if the opportunity presents itself.”
The plotting continued through the night and well into morning but the game itself went nothing like either coach had planned.
Two days later the Archer wagon train was moving again. As it exited the forest it took the left fork in the road and began a long journey towards the Tillean Coast where Kondor had arranged a pair of games against quality opponents.
In the front wagons, the team chatted politely amongst themselves. They were in exceptionally good spirits as only a few bandages marked the minor bruises from the game the previous day. Laughter could even be heard in the wagon reserved for baggage. Kondor and Corbis sat near the entrance but in the front of the wagon they had a companion. When Coach Rbthma learned the team was going to Tilea, he paid handsomely for transportation. The Farsea Shades were a pro elf team he coached and he had received word to meet them in the Northern Port of Tilea.
Corbis and Kondor were careful to keep Rbthma in the front corner of the wagon and stay as far away as possible. No one knew exactly how Nurgle Rot spread, and having him in the same wagon for a few days was a mighty risk. Still he had paid five times the normal fair for transportation so it was a difficult offer to turn down.
At last the mule train reached the main road to Tillea and the ride became tolerably smooth. Kondor fished a large jar from a travel bag and rolled it to Rbthma.
“I wanted you to have this.” Said Kondor.
Opening the jar, Rbthma sniffed it and winced at the sweetness then cast a questioning look at Kondor.
“It’s a medicinal powder.” Stated Kondor. “Absorbs moisture. I heard a new rotter complaining once that the worst thing about his condition was the crotch rot. Said it itched so terribly and he was tempted pull off body parts. I don’t know if the rot has taken those bits from you but perhaps this will ease some of your itching.”
Coach Rbthma smiled immediately and awkwardly attempted to stand in the wagon before deciding it was better to kneel. He pulled the draw string from his trouser and poured a dose of the turquoise powder inside. A dozen flies fled the loosened trousers and Rbthma settled back into the corner. Moments the most satisfying sigh of relief gurgled from his gaping mouth.
“You might want to tell him about the side effects.” Said Corbis.
Kondor shook his head negatively. “No. Let him enjoy the moment. Nothing should sprout from his trousers until he has been in Tillea for a couple of days. By that time we will be long gone, and I have the suspicion it may be a pleasant surprise for a rotter.”
“What did you think of the Match?” Kondor continued.
“Don’t much care one way or the other.” Said Corbis. “Kind of nice not to have to restock the medicine bag though.”
“Makes sense. Did you notice Revwe collected another bounty? Once Amaron Greymoss went down she garroted him at mid field. There was not even an attempt to disguise it. If all of the action had not been on the catchers in the endzone there would have been a riot and none of us may have escaped the wrath of the fans. She is alarmingly unpredictable.”
Corbis agreed. “Perhaps you should have a word with her. You have been very persuasive lately.”
Kondor cocked his head a little and then leaned against the gate of the wagon. Perhaps Revwe did need a little more direction.