“What a game! Norse came out very strong, got numbers advantage, no beer smell around them. But at a crucial moment the Yeti got himself ko´d and that was the turning point. My goats punished those tanga dudes, every turn a norseman left for the ko-bench and we got the ball loose. Where we guarded it and just kept reducing the numbers disadvantage.
Second half, i make the mistake to give Che Animal the ball, then i remembered that he should hit something, tried to give the ball to Evander Paleshield, but the stinky Yeti didnt let them do the exchange. A weird quarrel for the loose ball began and the norse got away with the ball, but again, the Yeti lets him uncovered, again we get the ball loose and the carrier ko´d, 3 turns of absolutly hillarious dice rolls follow, no reroll left for no team, and finally at the end, William Hideouss brakes free and catches a pass from Evander Paleshield, runs it in. 1-0. With very few players on both sides on the pitch.
Fun match, lets do this again soon, thanks for the game, jmonforton! ”
Second half, i make the mistake to give Che Animal the ball, then i remembered that he should hit something, tried to give the ball to Evander Paleshield, but the stinky Yeti didnt let them do the exchange. A weird quarrel for the loose ball began and the norse got away with the ball, but again, the Yeti lets him uncovered, again we get the ball loose and the carrier ko´d, 3 turns of absolutly hillarious dice rolls follow, no reroll left for no team, and finally at the end, William Hideouss brakes free and catches a pass from Evander Paleshield, runs it in. 1-0. With very few players on both sides on the pitch.
Fun match, lets do this again soon, thanks for the game, jmonforton! ”