CTV 2010k+50k Chaos Chosen


Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
Nurgle CTV 2060k


No change
#12 Trokblug – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#5 Jeddek II – Damaged Back (NI)
#6 Brainz – Fractured Leg (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
We kicked to start. We were able to force a quick TD while injuring their best player, 5 str + Block/Dodge/Tentacle Chaos Warrior. We were able to return a score on T8. Due to some unfavourable KO rolls, we were down 11 to 10 going into the second half, but receiving.
We added an early casualty to equalize the numbers. We traded a few players going off the pitch over the next few turns. The Minotaur was wild for the first 3 turns of the half, which helped us cope with being a bit down in numbers.
We made a tactical error on T4, leaving the Minotaur with an easy blitz on the ball carrier, which he succeeded and knocked the ball loose. Two sets of double skulls on their next turn left the Kurgan Blood Tide in a tough spot, allowing for us to scoop up the ball in 2 TZs on a 3+ with our 5 Ag pestigor and push forward. They were able to get a 2 BD hit on our beast of nurgle, but needed a casualty to clear up space to hit the ball carrier. He was Badly Hurt! and they managed to pow the ball carrier.
We were able to recovery yet again, pushing forward and to the sidelines but they were able to barely peel back and gfi twice to blitz and knock the ball carrier down with the ball landing in their hands! But, he was left all alone, as no other Chaos players could get nearby.
We were able to clear some space and blitz him, knocking him down, allowing out 7 Ma, 5 Ag pesigor to scoop it up and gfi for the game winning 2-1 score!”