CTV 1980k Dwarf

No change

High Elf CTV 1580k+400k

18000 (1 FAME)

No change
Inducements: Star player Eldril Sidewinder, Card Gromskull's Exploding Runes, Card Distract, Card Greased Shoes, Card Chop Block
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another game, another poor showing by the Dwarves of Karak University. Changes have to be made next season!
1st half started out well, but the Elfskies snuck a bomb into the hands of their passer Jake "Winchester" Browning, and he was quite effective with it..despite almost always being in the TZ of at least 1 dwarf. In fact, he got every bomb off until the last turn, when he was in no TZ's at all! Anyway, the Techies still could have scored on turn 8, but Bob showed his freshman naivete and grabbed the ball after knocking it loose.
2nd half, the KAMU defense was porous as ever and could not contain U-Dub, though they did score relatively quickly. The Student body of Karak U. rushed the field at this point, their disappointment with the season bubbling over. The Refs added time to the clock (or took it away..what ever way makes the game shorter) as a penalty to the Home team for their Disruptive students. Despite some valiant efforts, the Techies could not punch through for a TD in the time remaining.
Fred Rock did pick up guard.