CTV 1910k+430k Sea Elf
20000 (1 FAME)
Inducements: Star player Soaren Hightower, Star player Eldril Sidewinder, Card Distract
Northern Nippon CTV 2340k
No change
#12 Varadis – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#2 Hamachi – Smashed Knee (NI)
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The Dolphins met Sushi Go! for the third time in their young career, and for the third time it ended in a loss. A feud is starting to get shape here...
The first half started well, with the Dolphins receiving. Having kept Eldril on the bench, I decided to try scoring quickly and defend well. The plan wasn't too solid, but it worked, thanks to a rerolled double push on the ball ending up with double skulls. With Eldril and a nice dirty trick (Distract!) up my sleeve, the Dolphins managed to keep the Nipponese from scoring. 1-0 at halftime and things looked bright indeed. Even more so because the Oni failed to cause any casualties, much unlike both previous encounters.
The second half started with a Blitz! for the Dolphins, but it turned out to be a poisoned gift. A frenzy Nipponese blitzer made me worried about being surfed, so instead of adding an assist, I made a 1d blitz, knocking out one of my own players. The second half was a typical grind. Couldn't do much, except trying to take out a few players too (which worked, albeit only some linemen). By then the Oni started working, casualtying two players, including Eldril (who had been effectively taken out of the game for most of the second half by being stuck to the tentacled Oni).
I still got a chance at a one-turner, with only 8 players. Quick snap helped a lot, as did the grab skill on the blockers. I came close, but the effort eventually failed due to a missed gfi when the team reroll had been used already to get a required push.
Winning the toss in overtime gave me a chance to still win the game. However, I failed all ko rolls again (0/4 this time), bringing the total of the game to 0/9! Hard to win a game like that. With normal dice rolls I would actually have been winning the attrition war (Sushi Go was down to 10 players), but now I was left with only 8 players myself. I tried a quick breakthrough, which failed, and the rest is history.
Thanks for the game Jokaero! ”