CTV 1290k Lizardmen
Underworld Denizens CTV 1290k+60k
16000 (1 FAME)
Inducements: Star player Bomber Dribblesnot
#11 Matt Weston – Dead (RIP)
#3 Knaz Grimclaw – Dead (RIP)
#7 Kos Darkshred – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
After a First Round bye, we came into this match expecting to lose, so we decided to lose in style: being a total git. Highlights include the death of emerging star Blitzer Knaz Grimclaw, coupled with the apothecary’s inability to save him, the taunting of our opponent by notifying that their other Blitzer can expect the same fate, the death of Skink Matt Weston on a failed Dodge, and the fouling death of Troll Drizzle Sixtoes, saved by regen, to close out the first half. After this, I took a break to go have relations with my wife. The second half saw us fight our way through and sneak the ball into the endzone to even the score. A goblin failed Go For It took us into overtime. Even though we lost the coin toss in OT, we were able to come back, beating their thrower senseless, and finally capturing the ball; though we held off on scoring in order to surf a goblin, and to inflict a few more fouls on their surviving Blitzer.
After all the gitty dust had settled, the lizards of Mancrush came out on top. Goes to show you, sometimes being a git is the best option.”