CTV 1530k+470k Human
No change
Inducements: 2 bloodweiser kegs, Star player Helmut Wulf, Star player Mighty Zug
Necromantic Horror CTV 2040k
16000 (2 FAME)
#6 Wing Over Water – Dead (RIP)
#11 Zoic Restingplace – Fractured Arm (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Most important finding of this game: one of the hidden effects of the rule changes has to do with the surplus of sacrifices to Nuffle. The Nuzzling Necros have such a surplus, stemming from the age of the_Sage and his Mutants, where we needed all the good dice we could possibly get to stand a chance. Nuzzling management has found a way to sacrifice many low value... volunteers... and while their return wasn't spectacular (we used other sacrifices, to great succes!) they have given us a good amount of luck that manages to erupt during matches against actual good coaches (so not coaches like... let's say, eldritchfox).
It started with Helmut Wulf using a RR from us both to leave the game early (kickback on Crimson turn 1, double skulls on Nuzzling turn 1 to KO him). Crimson Butterfly managed a score, but after that it was a smooth ride for the Nuzzling. Two pitch invasions with FAME +2 helped a lot.
Thanks for the game easilyamused, you endured it well!