“Really bad game by the Patriots, and team is wounded.
1st half saw Patriots lose gambles and Vikings winning gambles related to the play of RG3. Bortles got the better out of him that day. The game went out of reach at the end of the 1st half when Smelter was eliminated from the game, the only speed element of tha Patriots personnel. From that point on the only target was the 3P: practice, preservation and pride.
Howerver the underlying issue was CAS conversion rate. For the 2nd time in the season Pats were outclassed in that metric. (The other ocassion was round1 loss to the Universe.) No surprise, if the strength (literally) of the team does not keep their end of the bargain, then bad things will happen. Like the injury to Smelter and Upshaw. As a result there is no top team anymore in DLE that was not trimmed significantly this season.
Next match is against the Wolfskins, which will be a grargantuan task with only 14 players, and missing a Upshaw.”
“Two riots, Robert Griffin on fire and almost every gamble working out. This was one of the most spectacular wins that the Vikings have pulled off.
Started strong with 2 cas in 2 turns, removing a bit of all that Guard running around. Even then scoring seemed the safer choice so Stephen Hill ran in our first TD.
We faced that monster you all know, the Patriots on offence, and Mack started by killing rookie thrower Adam Davids. I just walked back and kept some distance. At first opportunity Robert Griffin dodged through the line to throw a dauntless block at Bortles with ball. And down he went! On the Patriot's turn they chose to attack Juqua Parker instead of Griffin, lost a reroll and then chose to cover the ball with both St4 throwers, but couldn't risk trying to pick it up as Sean Spence had side stepped near to it. Griffin again with a dauntless push, pick up and run for the end zone!
Patriots then had a double skull that ate a reroll, so when Bortles hunted Griffin the go for it was too much and we could rush in 2-0 by our turn 7!
A fast push by new AG4 catcher Smelter looked promising, but Sean Spence dodged (ag2!) and crushed that hope, taking the apo after a really serious injury. Griffin then shone again by leaping, picking it up in a TZ and passing it to Parker who was somewhat safe.
Second half saw a long drive by the Patriots that didn't really end up going as they wanted. Too few Vikings removed, and Enemkpali was kicking anything lying down. In going for Parker it ended up being the opposite when he piled on to Gene Upshaw, causing a second cas in only 4 blocks this game. What a star the vikings have gotten here!
What a game for the Vikings. And the fans approve!”
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1st half saw Patriots lose gambles and Vikings winning gambles related to the play of RG3. Bortles got the better out of him that day. The game went out of reach at the end of the 1st half when Smelter was eliminated from the game, the only speed element of tha Patriots personnel. From that point on the only target was the 3P: practice, preservation and pride.
Howerver the underlying issue was CAS conversion rate. For the 2nd time in the season Pats were outclassed in that metric. (The other ocassion was round1 loss to the Universe.) No surprise, if the strength (literally) of the team does not keep their end of the bargain, then bad things will happen. Like the injury to Smelter and Upshaw. As a result there is no top team anymore in DLE that was not trimmed significantly this season.
Next match is against the Wolfskins, which will be a grargantuan task with only 14 players, and missing a Upshaw.”