CTV 2000k Necromantic Horror


Dwarf CTV 1780k+180k


No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Flint Churnblade
#9 Simon Cvijanovic – Dead (RIP)
#12 Rashard Mendenhall – Dead (RIP)
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Well, first half his ko-rate was high, so we scored quickly. Got rid of both secret weapons. 0 of 3 ko return for me.
His attack is unstoppable, i need reroll for most things, he don´t. 1-1. 0 of 3 ko return for me.
Second half: Can´t stop this, with so much ko, inj., etc., but i manage to hurry him up. 1-2. 1 ko return for me of like 4 or 5 dudes.
Kickoff result gives me an additional turn. yey, thanks nuffle. but i fuck it up. I make a block with a zombie i shouldnt make, without this block his blitz would have needed a 5+ dodge, now it was only a 4+ dodge. Well, he succeeded anyway, FFS, and the ball lands on a stupid dwarf who catches! :-O
FFS, this was massive bullshit, good thing we got 2 of those luckers sent to the graveyard, and one will serve us well as a zombie. A lucky zombie. A zombie of luck. A nuffle-blessed zombie.... you get it.
Thanks for the game, Valen, we will meet again and i will "convince" your team members one by one to join UNAM!!! muahahahaaaa”