CTV 1460k+560k Necromantic Horror
No change
Inducements: 2 bloodweiser kegs, 1 bribe, Star player Hack Enslash, Star player Wilhelm Chaney
Slann CTV 2060k
20000 (2 FAME)
#8 Mao Tse Tung – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#8 Sauces III – Dead (RIP)
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"sir, Was it an error not to hire Count Luthor or Ramtut?"
With mounting rage he replied
"No son of the Revolution would consider playing on the same side as a Czarist Revisionist or an outright Aristo Oppressor, This was no mistake! This was a decision made in full Class Consciousness. There could be no other decision. Correctly we selected That true son of the Proletariat Hack with his saw "The anger of the Soviet at the throat of the Bourgeoisie", and Wilelm Chaney who cannot be faulted for his knowledge of the Dialectics of Undead History and the march against the revisionist forces of vitalism!"
"Well what of the match itself? would you play things differently"
"Yes! I would have hit harder and clove closer to the true path of Undead Communism. The fate of Mao shows the true measure of 'Undead Communism with Vitalist Characteristics" as practiced by the Ghoul Cadre, but in line with the tenets of Internationalism we will continue to work with them. There is however no longer any room in the team for Trotskyist Wreckers and so Icepick has been consigned to the Gulag and replaced by Sources III who has been welcomed onto the team"
"This was a defeat against superior power and space balls, but we will be back stronger in our Will, Stronger in our Skill and Stronger in our Class Consciousness!" ”