CTV 2080k Norse

17000 (1 FAME)

Chaos Dwarf CTV 1720k+340k


Inducements: Star player Zzharg Madeye, Card Kicking Boots, Card Blatant Foul, Card Witch's Brew, Card Distract, Card Custard Pie
#6 Zachary Weakbrooke, Thunder from the Sky Avatar – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#16 East Man – Dead (RIP)
#2 Blaster – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#3 Toth – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#4 Ripper – Dead (RIP)
#11 Boom – Smashed Hand (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Hail to DeMaio who braves the hoard of rabid dwarves! Full dodges straight into the cage and -2d crowd pushes Blaster into the crowd! The fans quickly pounce and tear clean off his head! Luckily for him, the apoth had a spare ready to go...but it's a bit defective...and a bit skaven. Oh well, sew it on and hope his mom doesn't notice!
And DeMaio crowd pushes another! This time a hoard of fans pile on top! Seconds later all that's left is a skeleton, picked clean to the bone! Hail to you, fans!
And to Dread Scott who goes to make the winning touchdown! Go for it once, glory and pain time! And the winds of fate blew hard against him and pain it is! Cas'd his ass trying!
That my friends, is bloodbowl!
And the riders of death see the return of Brain Buster! Crawl from your grave...destiny awaits thee!