“Hu hu hu?.Wot a game for my gobs , but undernumbered gobos are not really efficient , i cause somme damages to my own and at the sisters rank ... but miss some easy moove ...But this game was a funny one and mr Razmus win cause of his sister rage ..xd
Nice game ..see ya mate”
“The first drive of the game was a very impressive display of the damage which can be wrought by goblin special weapons.
The goblin chainsaw wielder (Hicicépartiensucet #5) laid low:
? Sister Sarah #11 - Badly Hurt
? Sister Maudlyn #7 - Badly Hurt
? Sister Hame #8 - Seriously Injured, and retired her field habit
The goblin bomber (DR Baboummmm) fortunately took the following off the field:
? Hoplalapalamilaba – Dead (RIP)
? Youplalalcatournici - Hit by the goblin bomb, then knocked out by his own ball and chain.
At the end of the first drive, the poor sisters were outnumbered and demoralized by the awesome display of goblin weaponry. They spent the rest of the game regrouping. ”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Nice game ..see ya mate”