“According to our opponent, this game was pure luck on our side.
With the same %of skulls and 1 rolled on both sides....
With my mummy getting BH on a 3db block because I had to burn my RR on a failed gfi.
(it is a bit boring when all you read all game in the chat is how lucky you are, even when you fail a 3db block, get your mummy out, but so lucky the AV8 elfe who does not have block is out too).
Playing undead and positioning players to block at 2db instead of 1db certainly has nothing to do with it :-)
Sometimes throwing too many blocks is not the best strategy for elfes, even dark ones :-)
And if you throw 3 times more d6 dices, expect to get ones 3 times more too.
Very good positioning form the elves though, it did not make it easy. Lucky for me he prefered to stop me by putting the players in contact rather than in the way allowing me to hit a lot at 2db.
The comment was not meant to disrespect. TroyG87 was polite and the game was fun.
Just complaining about dices all the time.
<TroyG87> All I've seen from you is luck so far
And like I said he played very good positioning.
But, come on, you play 11 elves Vs 12 undead and you don t expect to be less on the field?
the timely dice: he did not manage to knock my ball carrier in a 2db block without RR (4/9 chances of that, nearly 50% ) And next I got a push (not even opponent dow) on 3db to get my ball carrier free. Then one dodge to TD. Nothing "exceptional".
Without the nagging, I would simply have said this game was good against a good coach ;-)”
#10 George Heartless – Broken Neck (-AG) #14 Dave Cheerless – Dead (RIP)
““According to our opponent, this game was pure luck on our side."
A libelous statement, as I said no such thing. ("Our"? You refer to yourself in the plural possessive?) I DID comment on my complete inability to crack ghoul armor and that my (not our, MY) opponent got more than a few timely dice rolls that got him/her out of pretty tight spots. Pretty much how most games involving dice go. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug.
Dice percentages are (largely) meaningless, as the "when" is what matters. Droning on about skull percentages is even less useful, as player A throws pow/skull, pow/skull while player B throws pow/pow, skull/skull, does not mean both players saw equal success. Same percentages, very different results.
Point taken about the number of blocks, but playing shorthanded kills positioning. You had at least one "extra" player on the field from the start, leaving me in the position of hit or be hit pretty much every turn. Going on the attack can work, but if the dice aren't there, they just aren't there.
(And yes, I know I'm new to Fumbll, but I've been playing tabletop BB since second edition. Thought I'd give this site a try; it's been quite a learning experience as the randomizer seems a bit, I don't know, quirky sometimes...but I've enjoyed meeting players from other countries!)
At any rate, if my opponent holds himself/herself in such high esteem that the very mention of dice falling for one side or the other spurs him/her to leave snide, libelous comments, well... I guess there's nothing for it, is there? I thought we parted on polite enough terms, but I guess he/she disagrees. A shame, really, as he/she is a good player.
Edit: Apparently, he/she can't let this go. Fine...if this is so important to you: You never get one iota of help from the dice. It's always your awesome mastery of this game, every single time. You're the friggin' Bobby Fischer of BB, which is a purely skill-based game with no element of chance involved. I'm quite sure the administrators wake up every morning tearfully thankful for your august presence on this humble site, as, without you, every match played would be a pointless exercise, futile maneuvers by base pretenders unfit to discuss even the most simple of tactics. You ARE Fumbll, and Fumbll is you. Yin/Yang, Alpha/Omega, so on and so forth...
Now kindly move on. You've done your damage. I'm pretty unwelcome here, and I'm pretty sure I'm being shown the door. Surely, that can be enough for you.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
With the same %of skulls and 1 rolled on both sides....
With my mummy getting BH on a 3db block because I had to burn my RR on a failed gfi.
(it is a bit boring when all you read all game in the chat is how lucky you are, even when you fail a 3db block, get your mummy out, but so lucky the AV8 elfe who does not have block is out too).
Playing undead and positioning players to block at 2db instead of 1db certainly has nothing to do with it :-)
Sometimes throwing too many blocks is not the best strategy for elfes, even dark ones :-)
And if you throw 3 times more d6 dices, expect to get ones 3 times more too.
Very good positioning form the elves though, it did not make it easy. Lucky for me he prefered to stop me by putting the players in contact rather than in the way allowing me to hit a lot at 2db.
The comment was not meant to disrespect. TroyG87 was polite and the game was fun.
Just complaining about dices all the time.
<TroyG87> All I've seen from you is luck so far
And like I said he played very good positioning.
But, come on, you play 11 elves Vs 12 undead and you don t expect to be less on the field?
the timely dice: he did not manage to knock my ball carrier in a 2db block without RR (4/9 chances of that, nearly 50% ) And next I got a push (not even opponent dow) on 3db to get my ball carrier free. Then one dodge to TD. Nothing "exceptional".
Without the nagging, I would simply have said this game was good against a good coach ;-)”