CTV 1240k+50k Pro Elf (CIBBL)


Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 bribe
Giant (CIBBL) CTV 1280k


Inducements: 1 bribe
#3 Valen Freshbreeze – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#10 Beagán Coobe – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
We're here for the Beerbog Behemoths final friendly match before the regionals start, and it's vs. some agile looking elves - just look at them out there prancing around - words fail me! glorious, spectacular, magnificent! Ah, but here come the giants...first is Vargurs...Vargwurs...Varg...ok, Gnorf...Gorf...Jorf....
Lorenz clears his throat heavily and a clamouring of pixie laughter is heard
Alright, we'll call them Varg, Gwoft, Gnorf and Jforz for short...whew! Apologies to the giants out there, I won't ask for the proper pronunciation as my ears are still bleeding from the last time I made that mistake. Now the pixies are entering the field, my they're tiny, about twice the size of the ball if you can believe it!
As always, this broadcast is brought to you by the friendly Two-Headed Dog Inn which now serves over twenty different ales and gruits from the Beerbog brewery!
...traditional music from old Albion is heard in the background...
Life got you bogged down? Get yourself a pick me up! Drop on in today and ask our friendly bar-wenches about our lovely scenic wagon ride packages, see the lovely scenery of the historic Boora Bog and expe ...oh! the match is about to start!