CTV 1360k+60k Giant (CIBBL)


Inducements: Mercenary Merc Pixie 1
Norse (CIBBL) CTV 1430k


No change
#3 Hagen Halvarson – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#5 Bjorn of the Hammer – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#11 Halvor the Rock – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Heeeey Sportsfans! Spring has sprung, the ports have thawed, the swamps are extra misty and of course it's time for the CIBBL Albion and Norsca regionals! Lorenz Bootbaeur here live for Cabalvision from the relatively sunny coast of Norsca where it's overcast and grey today - a perfect day for some Blood Bowl! I'm reporting live from the Eric Ericson Memorial Stadium home of Vostok Iron-Head who've gathered to play Albion's own Beerbog Behemoths. This appears to be a giant affair for the locals, bringing together several clans I'm guessing based on the twenty odd longships docked on shore and the several hundred mad Norsemen in their cups in the crowd. I'll say the Norsemen are fine hosts and we've feasted the last three days while in practice and regaining our land-legs, each time with a different clan no less.
How did we get here? I'm glad you asked! We've just spent the better part of a fortnight traipsing the fecund and misty moors North and to the East on our way to Port Mearnóg. You should of seen the look on their faces when four giants twice the size of a man showed up on the passenger list! Pale as a ghost! The Salty Banjo she was called, as solid a ship as you're likely to see running cargo through the Middle Sea to the fjords of Norsca then south to L'anguille! It's crew a bunch of hardened sea-dogs -salt in their noses, rum in the belly and the wind at your back!...brings back memories! ARR!
there's a long pause and sigh as Lorenz reflects
Back to the match though - now this here is a proper pitch for Blood Bowl, very professional and well kept- not just some old cattle paddock that's lying around all torn up and uneven! You can tell these Norse really revere the game- the end-zone is even clearly marked with dog skulls on a stick and the sidelines with a fine powder from crushed skulls. I'll also note throngs of Norsemen have gathered on those sidelines...something about pixies being a valuable commodity on the open market? Huh! I would of never guessed! Next time I'll make sure to bring a few more alternates!
traditional music from Old Albion is heard in the background
As always, this match is brought to you by the friendly Two-Headed Dog Inn - your home away from home, where we keep the hearth aglow and your mug afull! Remember to book your Lá Fhéile Pádraig party today, and book early! Druids welcome, but please no Fimir! Ask our always saucy bar-wenches about our patron rewa...
a roar erupts from the crowd
Oh! it looks like the ball has been kicked by Halvor the Rock, and the Behemoths are recieving - someone appears to be down, I'm gonna get a bit closer and see who it is...