“In a fiercely-contested and thrilling encounter, JellyBelly's Were team, Raining Cats and Dogs were handed their first defeat of the season, in a tough 4th round matchup against Lorebass' Skink team, Canukistan Feircerest GeckOhs.
At 1410 TV, playing up against 1890, the Were were out-gunned and the odds were stacked against them. As they lined up for the starting whistle, the darkening sky brought forth heavy lashings of rain, as if to herald their downfall. Things didn't get off to a good start, when on the first turn after the Cats and Dogs kicked off, Werebear Funzo was dealt a near mortal blow by the Kroxigor Secund Beaver, his life only being saved by the diligence of the team apothecary. Despite their disadvantage, the Were fought hard in defense, harrying the Skinks and putting the ballcarrier under some pressure. On about turn 5, the Werewolf, Rowdeh Dawg!, managed to find an opening to the ballcarrying Skink and brought him down to spill the ball. On the Skink's following turn, Rowdeh performed magnificently, riding blocks from several Kroxigors and staying on his feet to make it hard for the Skinks to get control of the ball. The Werecat, Marmaduke, then had a great chance to snatch the ball and take the initiative for the Cats; however, he fluffed the pickup and the resulting bounce put it right where the GeckOhs wanted it, where they picked it up and ran it in to make it 1-0.
The Were were then very fortunate to roll a riot on their turn 8 kick-off, and had a great opportunity to even the score. However, the Skinks defended well and the Cats weren't able to find the dice they needed to make it happen.
The Were then received in at the start of the second and were quickly put under pressure by the GeckOhs. Finding it hard to deal with the nimble skinks and the prehensile tails, they were forced into making a critical mistake, which left their ballcarrier completely exposed. The GeckOhs seized the ball and looked almost certain to score the winner. Fortunately for the Were though, they managed to scramble back and defend, blitzing the ballcarrying skink to the floor. After some back-and-forth maneuvers, the Skinks again looked sure to score the winner, when, amazingly, the skink, Deliciousness x2, fumbbled the pickup in the endzone(!). The ball bounced out of bounds and the throwback landed in a very nice spot for the Cats. They managed to get the ball into the hands of Rowdeh Dawg!, who sprinted towards the endzone and looked certain to score an equalizer. However, the Skinks again defended very well, managing to put two tackle zones on Rowdeh. All he needed was to 2D blitz through a chameleon skink and the equalizer would be in sight. However, he made a mess of the blitz, rerolling into a double skull, and wasting his chance. Following that, the GeckOhs quickly locked down the ball and held it to seal the win, 1-0.
Thanks for a very fun and crazy game, Lorebass. I think both teams played well and it could have gone either way, but the lizards won out this time. I'm sure we will meet again soon :)”
At 1410 TV, playing up against 1890, the Were were out-gunned and the odds were stacked against them. As they lined up for the starting whistle, the darkening sky brought forth heavy lashings of rain, as if to herald their downfall. Things didn't get off to a good start, when on the first turn after the Cats and Dogs kicked off, Werebear Funzo was dealt a near mortal blow by the Kroxigor Secund Beaver, his life only being saved by the diligence of the team apothecary. Despite their disadvantage, the Were fought hard in defense, harrying the Skinks and putting the ballcarrier under some pressure. On about turn 5, the Werewolf, Rowdeh Dawg!, managed to find an opening to the ballcarrying Skink and brought him down to spill the ball. On the Skink's following turn, Rowdeh performed magnificently, riding blocks from several Kroxigors and staying on his feet to make it hard for the Skinks to get control of the ball. The Werecat, Marmaduke, then had a great chance to snatch the ball and take the initiative for the Cats; however, he fluffed the pickup and the resulting bounce put it right where the GeckOhs wanted it, where they picked it up and ran it in to make it 1-0.
The Were were then very fortunate to roll a riot on their turn 8 kick-off, and had a great opportunity to even the score. However, the Skinks defended well and the Cats weren't able to find the dice they needed to make it happen.
The Were then received in at the start of the second and were quickly put under pressure by the GeckOhs. Finding it hard to deal with the nimble skinks and the prehensile tails, they were forced into making a critical mistake, which left their ballcarrier completely exposed. The GeckOhs seized the ball and looked almost certain to score the winner. Fortunately for the Were though, they managed to scramble back and defend, blitzing the ballcarrying skink to the floor. After some back-and-forth maneuvers, the Skinks again looked sure to score the winner, when, amazingly, the skink, Deliciousness x2, fumbbled the pickup in the endzone(!). The ball bounced out of bounds and the throwback landed in a very nice spot for the Cats. They managed to get the ball into the hands of Rowdeh Dawg!, who sprinted towards the endzone and looked certain to score an equalizer. However, the Skinks again defended very well, managing to put two tackle zones on Rowdeh. All he needed was to 2D blitz through a chameleon skink and the equalizer would be in sight. However, he made a mess of the blitz, rerolling into a double skull, and wasting his chance. Following that, the GeckOhs quickly locked down the ball and held it to seal the win, 1-0.
Thanks for a very fun and crazy game, Lorebass. I think both teams played well and it could have gone either way, but the lizards won out this time. I'm sure we will meet again soon :)”