After a 3-0 win, a game vs rats kinda was inevitable to end this way.
Nuffle confirmed why AV7 with Loner and a Chainsaw is a poor choice for ALL the inducement money I had. And considering the amount Warlock decided to play and the overall luck we had blocking - I'm kinda happy with how it all turned out.
Granted it helps when Scarlak was such an affable opponent. See folks, you can acknowledge poor luck on the other side, not let up in your play, and not get your panties in a bunch when your opponent throws T15/T16 fouls ~8D
Thanks, Scar... t'was a pleasure :)”
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After a 3-0 win, a game vs rats kinda was inevitable to end this way.
Nuffle confirmed why AV7 with Loner and a Chainsaw is a poor choice for ALL the inducement money I had. And considering the amount Warlock decided to play and the overall luck we had blocking - I'm kinda happy with how it all turned out.
Granted it helps when Scarlak was such an affable opponent. See folks, you can acknowledge poor luck on the other side, not let up in your play, and not get your panties in a bunch when your opponent throws T15/T16 fouls ~8D
Thanks, Scar... t'was a pleasure :)”