CTV 1880k+600k Tomb Kings


Inducements: Star player Setekh, Star player Ramtut III
Dark Elf CTV 2480k

15000 (1 FAME)

#14 Adolphe Le Bon – Smashed Hip (-MA)
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Learned some things and stuff from this game. Stuff and things. Like Hail Mary Pass would be a great defensive skill for Khemri. Kick, too.
Safe throw?!?... meh. How about just not trying to pass it anymore...?
Cue eye-rolling emoji with gun to his head
Our first three passes combined were intercepted. Mavens with the first two (both 7+ attempts in two tackle zones)... and the one by our own "Ark of the Khovenant"!! That one was a whopper of a 10+ attempt. He should've failed that with 2D6. But Nuffle defecates on everything everywhere all the time. And with some magical hoo-doo, the Khrowns manage to hand off to Setekh for the tying score.
Thoralf sharts the bed by not covering up a square and hosing his own OTS attempt. Alas. We both learned a little this game. Things about stuff.
GG, thoralf.”