“This has got to be one of the most violent non-Stunty games i have played in a while.
I start the game by killing a Wardancer on my first turn, which the apothecary saves. Then in the end of first half, the crowd decides we arent playing good enough and they invade the pitch which results in 2 RIP's 1 Badly Hurt and 2 KO's. My Witchelf then proceeds to SI Xeronimas Tree, and then kill the Wardancer that got away in the first turn of the match.
But greatly outnumbered Xeronima still managed to pull of a draw, mainly due to one huge mistake by me late in the game, and then just plain unlycky dicerolls on ball pickups and catches, well played Xeronima.
#2 Cierla Ralian – Dead (RIP) #8 Palle B. Cussler – Dead (RIP) #14 Dlienanor – Dead (RIP)
“An opponent with hardhitting fans. In the first blocking at the LOS The potential key player Thro Ralian was RIP'ed. Fortunately Pass Love and Understandings Apothecary was on the spot and saved the poor bastard. The first three turns added to the excitement, as both teams proved to be fast and cunning scorers. The excitement was however more than Lazarus Lazaroners fans could stand. In a should have been a riot a pitch invasion took out no less than 6 of the Woodies players. With two RIP's a badly hurt, two in the KO box and on player beaten stunned. It looked a free run for Lazarus. As the gab increased between the teams, the Woodies attempted more and more desperate tries. Halfway through the second half an extreeme change of luck seemed to save the day for the Woodies. As lazarus apparently had run out of Dark Elf Juice and suffered turn overs at an incredible rate the wood elfs movability saved the day. An undeserved victory, but a nice bandage on the Wound that have limped the pacefull elfs. With a low cash stash, a relativ high TR and a lack of players. This might have been the first in a series of games that could mean the end of Pass Love and Understanding as we know them - A team who wins very few games, mostly to coaches more than extremely unlucky. And who usually creates turnovers like most of us produce saliva. A Salute to NightEye a worthy Opponent. Who did not see the need to Faul his way through the Woodies, although he had the Chance with the Ref on his side for a full Half. ”
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I start the game by killing a Wardancer on my first turn, which the apothecary saves. Then in the end of first half, the crowd decides we arent playing good enough and they invade the pitch which results in 2 RIP's 1 Badly Hurt and 2 KO's. My Witchelf then proceeds to SI Xeronimas Tree, and then kill the Wardancer that got away in the first turn of the match.
But greatly outnumbered Xeronima still managed to pull of a draw, mainly due to one huge mistake by me late in the game, and then just plain unlycky dicerolls on ball pickups and catches, well played Xeronima.