“This was one game I WAS NOT gonna lose. Playing with Ramtut and working the DP hard, BdE were looking to be the dominating team. However, the death of Fang Shui and the BH of one of the Golems with two lucky fouls got the Institute going for real. Slapping the two opposing dogs into submission and tricking Ramtut to pound some dead meat worked like a charm. In the end 3-1 wasn't far away, but one of the blodger Ghouls managed to hold on to the ball despite some serious tapping. Of course, the fans love games like this and pitched in some extra cash to enable the purchase of a new doggie. Also, Tybalt picked up a few tricks from the foul foulers. Just too keep things in balance in the future.
On a side note, BdE was strangely symmetric with very similar skills and even stat increases on the positional players. Weird team. Good team.
On a side note, BdE was strangely symmetric with very similar skills and even stat increases on the positional players. Weird team. Good team.
GG Sir_Elrohir.”