CTV 1790k+690k Necromantic Horror

21000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 2 bribes, Star player Count Luthor Von Drakenborg, Card Gromskull's Exploding Runes, Card Custard Pie
Nurgle CTV 2390k


No change
#4 Bone – Dead (RIP)
#7 Dragon's Daughter – Dead (RIP)
#13 Rarely Right – Dead (RIP)
#16 ruoste – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#16 ruoste – Smashed Hand (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
First mistake: not pre-calculating inducements. So I took a 2nd dirty trick, which turned out to be useless - the ghoul with exploding runes only successfully decked 1 player 3 times - itself. A babe would have been a far superior investment with my lone wolf sitting out almost the entire game in the knock out box. The ghoul itself would have been useful for it's movement and dodge skill, especially in overtime.
Second mistake: well, the usual for me. I start casually (not a mistake) and make up strategy on the spot. That's pretty neat. Then it dawns on me I am in a position to win and the intensity ratchets up and my young son needs his bedtime story and starts jumping on me and talking to me and I can no longer focus (late second half and all of overtime). So the mistake I guess is living with people. I can never get through a full game without demands on my time.
The game itself was a really fun one. It really woke up in the 2nd half as Stonetroll had a great turn removing 3 players from the pitch, only for me to have a similarly great turn in reply. Then, as overtime set in, first it looked like I was destined to win - eliciting a sneaky "gg"-like statement from Stonetroll, only for his next turn to flip the script. So I said something similar, only for my next turn to flip the script. Amusing dice! However after that I couldn't take advantage of my superior position because Nuffle had had enough and ended my chances with an untimely set of skulls.
In the end the better team advances, but on the day I should have won it. Stonetroll avoided bad dice in overtime and that kept him in the game.
Good luck in the tournament!”