CTV 2020k Chaos Dwarf

17000 (1 FAME)
No change

Shambling Undead CTV 1120k+870k


No change
Inducements: 2 bloodweiser kegs, 2 extra team training sessions, 1 bribe, 1 halfling master chef, Star player Hack Enslash, Card Beguiling Bracers
#7 K. Donnalley – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#10 K. Stabbler – Dead (RIP)
#6 Shifty – Broken Jaw (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
THEY KILLED KENNY!!!. Yes, the K. in K. Stabbler was for Ken (as in Ken Stabler..he played for both the Raiders and the Oilers...), but we still won the game (not always a given with me and up 800+ TV)
1st half started out well, with Zhar Naggarund smashing and running all over Bloomington. White even got the 1st TD (Campbell, against his better judgement handed it off to him for the TD). Then, slowly, the Scarabs began to fight back.
2nd half the Raiders stopped the Scarab drive and managed to score again with White. But the Shambling undead kept up the pressure with plenty of casualties (6 vs our 9), as they out fouled us as well. Hack stayed in the game for 3 drives (bribe and argue the call), and it paid off as he took out Campbell right as White score the 2nd time (just a BH).
Joekel gets Stand firm, while Brazil has been hitting the weights and picks up Mighty Blow.
5 wins in the 1st 6 games..can we get to 7 wins before the season ends? Previous years point to NO.”