I got more blocks, more fouls, dirty player, claws+mb, his stat-freak on the ground, gangfouls... REF SEES IT 3/4 TIMES, MY KO'D PLAYERS WONT WAKE UP, I CAUSE ONE SINGLE BH (CURED), SNAKE A GFI... 5 spp total. the fucking MVP.
They got: Clickthrough game. A builder. Easy player removal on blitzes, blocks and BH my captain on the first foul.
Grats, Kzarik! ”
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I got more blocks, more fouls, dirty player, claws+mb, his stat-freak on the ground, gangfouls... REF SEES IT 3/4 TIMES, MY KO'D PLAYERS WONT WAKE UP, I CAUSE ONE SINGLE BH (CURED), SNAKE A GFI... 5 spp total. the fucking MVP.
They got: Clickthrough game. A builder. Easy player removal on blitzes, blocks and BH my captain on the first foul.
Grats, Kzarik! ”