CTV 1280k+500k Forest Goblin (CIBBL)


Inducements: Star player Ripper, Mercenary Merc Savage Orc 1, Mercenary Merc Spider Rider 1
Vampire (CIBBL) CTV 1800k


#11 Hererinc Isen – Dead (RIP)
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Both team had chance of winning it all, the Shroomwood Attercops (SA) needed a win, and Offa's Hearthweru (OH) would be crowned winner with a tie.
SA was out their top player as well as their mighty blow savage orc. The team felt unmotivated for this last game (sommer hot = brain mush).
We started by receiving, killing a thrall in first turn, to see our offense being too easilytwarted. Our mighty blow spider whent down and out, and the vampires counterattacked. They scored in the last turn of first half. They spent a few turns scoring their second TD and the game seemed to be over.
The last part of the second half I had nothing left but to play for fun and maybe attempt some desperate moves if available. The vampires ground my offense quickly down to a halt. Ripper saved the day by throwing a bewildered ballcarrier over the defense. At least I would get a skill on a goblin from this match.
During the last drive, all I could hope for was a mistake by my opponent, or a hungry vampire. However no mistake appeared, and all the vampires were satisfied. A last desperate attempt, a few dodges, a chain push with troll. Frenzy surf a str5 with my merc savage orc (-2DB), a good throw in, a dodge (3+), pick up (3+), 2 gfis (2+) a successful pass (3+) a catch (3+) and suddenly it was a tie. Amazing, Is till can't believe the luck of that last turn.”