CTV 1970k+200k Dark Elf

17000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 2 bloodweiser kegs, 1 bribe, 1 wandering apothecary
Wood Elf CTV 2180k


Inducements: 1 bribe
#8 Euonymus Anonymous – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#10 Quickgrow Blackbamboo – Serious Concussion (-AV)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
But this would not be doing justice to Bazakastine, who would almost certainly have won even if the dice had been a little more even in their distribution. Basically, he was a better coach, and he had a better-built team. To be fair, most teams I play are better built than mine, because don't really build to win, I build to give me an almost infallible passing game. Also, the treeman eats up a huge amount of unnecessary TR and on days like today - where he spent much of the match taking root - it's TR wasted.
The Deities of Darkness Redux are a half-and-half team, with six excellent players (blitzes, a witch elf and a runner) to do the work and the rest of the team basically thee to get in the way of the opponent's big hitters. If I'd been able to take out a couple of the blitzers early on, then maybe I might have been able to control the play a bit, but they just didn't want to fail their armour rolls. And the difference between the dark elves' AV8 and the wood elves' AV7 soon began to tell.
Thankfully, Bazakastine was a fast player and he had no intention of stalling for a lazy win, so I was able to spend more time than usual on offence. It was sunny all game (for the second time in a row) but even so I was able to rack up some pleasing passing stats and indeed, my star thrower became a legend with his 6 for 47.
My rookie lineman lasted no more than a few turns before picking up a -AV for his trouble. I fired him afterwards, but then regretted it. I suddenly have the urge to try and get a full squad of 16 players, regardless of injuries. I realise this will send my TR through the roof, and most of the players will end up being walking adverts for the apothecary's skills, but I still want to do it. And it's not as though it's going to affect my win/loss ratio much anyway.
Thx for the game Bazakastine. Thx for not stalling. Maybe next time I might be able to give you more of a challenge!”