CTV 1210k+50k Nurgle
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
Goblin CTV 1330k
#10 Om Lett – Smashed Knee (NI)
#11 Dirty Larry – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#7 Dumb – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Whilst the win and the winnings are nice, having worked so hard all half to get a decent chance of a win it was a shame not to see it through. Started the match with no chainsaw and started the second half with no weapons. Stalling the first when a GFI would have seen a 1-0 lead in T4 didnt pay off in terms of a TD but did cause 2 KOs on the Rotspawn and 1 Warrior.
In the second I positioned the diving tackles and trolls pretty much perfectly to prevent my opponent from breaking through. In the end the blitz on the ball carrier came in T14 and the crowd helpfully threw it closer to my opponents endzone which left me nicely positioned. Still would have loved to have seen if I could have won from there on the dices.
Of course retirements are gobbos bread and butter, nothing saps morale like having to work hard against us blighters! This goes right up there with the T2 retirement of that team of Norse killers! V different but good!
Our record is rebalanced.”