CTV 1530k+570k Goblin

No change

Inducements: 1 wandering apothecary, 1 bloodweiser keg, 3 bribes, Star player Ripper Bolgrot
Nurgle CTV 2120k

14000 (1 FAME)

#15 Iron Feet – Groin Strain (MNG)
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Having participated in 8 FUMBBL Cups already, never won a game, I knew exactly what I was doing.
It didn't matter if I get an 'easy' team or a dwarf team, it's mostly down to luck and unluck.
My pregame strategizing was mostly:
How can I stop these steroid improved beasts, and is it possible to still have a functioning team afterwards.
All in all, I got through with only minor injuries. I didn't even get to use any of the bribes (all secret weapons were injured, and no fouls were spotted) or extra apothecary I hired.
In the first half I tried to slow down my opponent, and waited for him to either get greedy killing goblins, or miss something. I managed to surf his ballcarrier, and get away with the ball. Unluckily it was with my 5ma goblin, which was caught up by a str6 tentacle monster. And ofc. I failed my next turn before I got the chance to try and escape.
Second half started quite good. Allthough there was no chance for me to force my way through the defense, I saw an open spot, and managed to toss a goblin who landed safely and scored. My only regret was not considering stalling a turn or two.
With 4 turns left and a diminishing goblin team, I was unable to stop my opponent. All my trolls went out, and my only chance in the OT was to get Ripper back from KO and to receive the kick so I could try another goblin toss, but neither happened, and another game was lost.
Next year will be the year of the goblins!”