CTV 1420k+490k Ogre

16000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bribe, Star player Bomber Dribblesnot, Star player Morg 'n' Thorg
Goblin CTV 1930k


Inducements: 1 bribe
#6 Little "Big" Loox – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#9 Zer Gob – Serious Concussion (-AV)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Even if he did very good with 2 casulties , our eyes are now fixed on a little brave snotling named Crazy Reexlax who also made 2 casulties and now got some respect from many of his team mates.
Newcomer Gruasglok who took good old Glokk`s place( he opened a tavern outside Ogrenburg after a niggling injury instead) managed to knock down one of the mighty trolls with a blitz and therefor got the mvp for this game.
Bloodflayer Slumlord made his 27th touchdown and showed his fans that despite his bad back he is still no.1 ogre scorer.
A very even and fun match.