“The game where everything went right for the Gobbos. The Hail Mary bomber parked himself in the goblins' End Zone and lobbed his nasties into the fray every chance he got, knocking over ogres and snotlings left and right.
The magic of a Blitz which included a troll blitzing an ogre and then the hail mary bomber knocking over two more ogres as the opening turn of the game was a terrible start for the ogres, and then it got progressively worse.
Pretty soon the big guys were fighting for their lives, with only three of them on the pitch and rarely more than one on both feet at the start of their turns.
The ogres threw a measly 24 blocks, and still didn't manage to cause a single casualty in the ranks of the goblins.
The Goblin coach was graceful in his hour of triumph, and the game was played in good cheer!”
The magic of a Blitz which included a troll blitzing an ogre and then the hail mary bomber knocking over two more ogres as the opening turn of the game was a terrible start for the ogres, and then it got progressively worse.
Pretty soon the big guys were fighting for their lives, with only three of them on the pitch and rarely more than one on both feet at the start of their turns.
The ogres threw a measly 24 blocks, and still didn't manage to cause a single casualty in the ranks of the goblins.
The Goblin coach was graceful in his hour of triumph, and the game was played in good cheer!”