only 4(5 if we get to the McNurgle bowl) more chances to win 2.. the players are getting nerveous..
1st half went by the book. Get the ball, don't even think about passing, march slowly down the field staying with your escort and score as time runs out. Lots of KO'd elves, but only one was injured. 1-0 at half and KAMU is feeling cocky :)
2nd half started well, as the defensive plan of 'make them score fast or not at all' worked and it was 1-1 but still coach Xeterog felt good about his chances of pushing the ball in for a 2nd score. Then it all fell apart. Ray couldn't pick up the ball after a riot. On of the Longbeards tripped on an unnecessary go for it, so Ray didn't even have a chance to try to pick up the ball again. Our Blocks vs Cameron to clear Tim failed misserably. The elves finally got the ball and scored as time was running out. The Techies got one last chance to hit some elves, but Brain falls over to a freshman elf (double skulls rr double skulls)..
only 4(5 if we get to the McNurgle bowl) more chances to win 2.. the players are getting nerveous..
1st half went by the book. Get the ball, don't even think about passing, march slowly down the field staying with your escort and score as time runs out. Lots of KO'd elves, but only one was injured. 1-0 at half and KAMU is feeling cocky :)
2nd half started well, as the defensive plan of 'make them score fast or not at all' worked and it was 1-1 but still coach Xeterog felt good about his chances of pushing the ball in for a 2nd score. Then it all fell apart. Ray couldn't pick up the ball after a riot. On of the Longbeards tripped on an unnecessary go for it, so Ray didn't even have a chance to try to pick up the ball again. Our Blocks vs Cameron to clear Tim failed misserably. The elves finally got the ball and scored as time was running out. The Techies got one last chance to hit some elves, but Brain falls over to a freshman elf (double skulls rr double skulls)..
no new skills.. no passes attempted.