“With only 3 Ogres this looked set to be extra tough. 2 snots where ko'd immediately and the Elves picked up. Though not long later Les did a massive blow to kill a line elf while Tom Thumb fouled another into the KO box. The Elves still scored comfortably and cas'd a snot on the way. With Ogres looming they left us some time to score and we obliged with a superb TD as Lucan advanced with the ball and was then hurled forward by Haystacks for the TTM success. Another snot was cas'd and so we had 10 players v 10 for the second half.
Lucan moved up the flank, Haystacks got a KO, and Tom who was on fire today niggled a loner in another gang foul. Astonishingly an Elf blitzer had chance to attack Lucan but Little Lucan took him down! He advanced further. A Witch Elf then decided to leap at him to try for 2DB. She fell from the leap! True shocks and we went over for a 2-1 lead.
There was still over a quarter of the match left. At this point our players were losing their form, as snots tripped up, but we had done enough for a draw as the Elves took their time to get an equalizer before the final whistle. A pleasing result!
We are poorly rewarded after match whereas 666 get the major haul of the takings. Who decided such unfair payment? We will return, and at least avoided defeat today.
Go Ogres!”
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Lucan moved up the flank, Haystacks got a KO, and Tom who was on fire today niggled a loner in another gang foul. Astonishingly an Elf blitzer had chance to attack Lucan but Little Lucan took him down! He advanced further. A Witch Elf then decided to leap at him to try for 2DB. She fell from the leap! True shocks and we went over for a 2-1 lead.
There was still over a quarter of the match left. At this point our players were losing their form, as snots tripped up, but we had done enough for a draw as the Elves took their time to get an equalizer before the final whistle. A pleasing result!
We are poorly rewarded after match whereas 666 get the major haul of the takings. Who decided such unfair payment? We will return, and at least avoided defeat today.
Go Ogres!”