CTV 1710k+100k Skaven

15000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: Card Distract, Card Witch's Brew
Wood Elf CTV 1830k


No change
#15 Alpha Idiot – Smashed Knee (NI)
#1 Aprilisthe Cruelestmonth – Dead (RIP)
#17 Yorick Cleartree – Serious Concussion (-AV)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Scarlak took two cards as his inducements, and they were worth every penny. First off, he used Witch's Brew on the thrower right at the start, and of course he then failed his really stupid roll because I was too lazy to run someone back to help him out.
He then did the same on his second turn.
Meanwhile, my single wardancer was killed. He was only a rookie so he wasn't great anyway, but it left the offence somewhat thin for the entire game.
Anyway, after being unable to throw a pass for two turns, my thrower unsurprisingly found himself surrounded by gutter runners, was knocked over and gave up the score.
Still, at least now I could get some passing in...
So the weather changed to really sunny - not a huge disadvantage to me, but not great. Then Scarlak played his second card, giving the tree Distract. This didn't affect the tree, but it did affect the catcher who had been my primary receiver, leaving him stuck on the line, so that on the following turn, when I could finally throw my pass, the catcher was left just within range of the evil shaven blitzer who had earlier killed the wardancer. Had he made his blitz, the catcher would have been out, but fortunately for me he failed his second gfi and I was able to pick up my first score.
The shaven then made easy work of squeezing in a second score to end the half.
Their third score was a long, slow affair during which my team was finally waking up to the fact that they were supposed to be playing a game. I managed to KO the blitzer who had been such a thorn in my side, and even put the shaven under a small amount of pressure, but it was never going to stop four dedicated gutter runners and the score was easy enough when it finally came.
My next pass was my first actual long bomb of the game and it was muffed twice by the catcher. He redeemed himself on the following turn by picking it up and handing off to the better catcher, who ran it in, but I would so much rather have had the two long bombs than the score.
And that was essentially the end of the match as the shaven ran the ball back out of reach and kept it safe for the final, two turns.
So, 2 for 20 was all I managed with the thrower, and with the -1 from the hand-off, I'm still 42 yards short of my goal. So one more game at least, and if it's anything like this one, another one after that.
We'll see...”