“The slow dwarves were completely outplayed and outpositioned by a well coached Ogre team headed by coach Quango, who is now 5/0/1 in the box with his big boys and is set to do great things!
Frustrating game for the chaos dwarves who felt slow and un-agile... ST4 hobgoblin had the ball for a while in the first half and looked set to make a run for the touchdown, but ended up pressured against the sideline and taken out.
Even the fouling didn't have the desired effect, and not a single runt was permanently damaged (always disappointing). Must get more mighty blow.”
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Frustrating game for the chaos dwarves who felt slow and un-agile... ST4 hobgoblin had the ball for a while in the first half and looked set to make a run for the touchdown, but ended up pressured against the sideline and taken out.
Even the fouling didn't have the desired effect, and not a single runt was permanently damaged (always disappointing). Must get more mighty blow.”