CTV 2020k+50k Wood Elf
No change
Inducements: 1 bribe, Card Stolen Playbook
Dark Elf CTV 2110k
No change
Inducements: 1 bribe
#7 Darktheywere Andgoldeneyed – Dead (RIP)
#19 Edward Palefist – Gouged Eye (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
And that's about the point when Swampserpent's luck wandered off. Despite getting a free bribe at the kick-off, he double failed his next foul, then ran out of time to get in a second score before the half.
So it was 1-1 for the second half, but the wood elves were receiving and I was confident of throwing a long bomb for a quick score - having ended the first half without a single passing yard to my name! Sadly, my poor passing game continued and I rolled 1,1 on my next throw, leaving the ball nicely placed for the dark elves to run in and steal it. And then score.
But the dark elves's lead was short-lived, as the kick-off gave me a quick snap, and with a MA9 catcher, only some bad dice was going to stop me scoring. It was close, with a 1 on one of the go for its, and a 1 on the first pass attempt, but I got there in the end.
The dark elves then had four turns to pull back the lead and it would have been an easy task if Swampserpent had been able to prevent his guys falling over. However, three failed go for its in a row was enough to destroy his drive and allow me to get in and steal the ball. And once I had hold of it, I had the speed to keep it out of his reach and throw another TD pass.
So now the dark elves were reduced to going for the draw, but with two turns it was definitely possible...
...until Swampserpent produced another 1 on his very first die roll of turn 7, wrecking any chance of a score.
It was a horrible way to end what had been a fairly tough and exciting match - at least for the first 12 turns. It should have been a draw, if not a win for the dark elves after their good start, but after that initial death, I was lucky with my armour rolls, was very lucky with the failed foul, and was then lucky with the failed gfi rolls at the end.
Sin and Punishment are a tough team to beat. They have a lot of ST4 and AG5, a perfect thrower and a runner who's training to become a catcher. They deserved better than their performance today.
As for the wood elves, Thursdaynight had a quiet game in which he turned up and not much else, Briskbreeze had ten turns of nothing and then redeemed himself with three long bombs to make his stats at least presentable, and a fairly nice catcher died (and I can't afford to replace him yet).
As Swampserpent pointed out, not our best game against each other, but it's all fun anyway.”